Dir. Dragan Bjelogrlic (Fic, 145 min, cor, 35mm, Servia, 2010)
Eleven passionate, anonymous but very talented soccer players take a journey from the cobblestone streets of impoverished Belgrade neighborhoods to the formation of the national team before the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930.
Roteiro/Script: Srđan Dragojević, Ranko Božić
Fotografia/Cinematography: Goran Volarević
Montagem/Editing: Marko Glušac
Produção/Production: Dejan Petrović
Produção Executiva/Executive: Goran Bjelogrlić
Produtora/Production Company: IntermediaNetwork
Trilha Musical/Music: Magnifico
Elenco/Cast: Miloš Biković, Petar Strugar, Danina Jeftić, Nina Janković