Taste of victory / Sabor a Victoria
Dir. Víctor Gómez Lizama (Doc, 61 min, cor, HD, Chile, 2007) 12 ANOS
Quando o Chile viveu os ultimos meses da Unidade Popular comandada pelo Presidente Salvador Allende, Colo Colo, o time de futebol chileno mais popular, disputou a Copa Libertadores de 1973.
When Chile lived the last months of the Popular Unity led by President Salvador Allende, Colo Colo, the most popular Chilean football team, faced the Copa Libertadores 1973. Chilean continental tournament where clubs had ever arrived at a definition, however, the group led by Carlos Cazsely players, Francisco Valdes and the Technical Director Luis Alamos, not only managed to play the final of this sporting event against Independiente Club of Argentina, but also his brilliant play, physical dynamic and popular drag they became the must for football fans that eased, at a time when the political and social situation worsened Chilean extreme degree, just months before the putsch state.
Roteiro/Script: Víctor Gómez L. Produção Executiva/Executive Production: Hernan Pablo Villagra P. Produção/Production: Pablo Villagra, Tatiana Lorca, Rodrigo González, Roberto Unda Montagem/Editing: Fabrizio Espinoza Som/Sound, Cinegrafista/Camera: Jacob Contreras
16/06 – Domingo – 19h – CCBB-RJ
20/06 – Quinta-Feira – 19h – CCBB-RJ
23/06 – Domingo – 19h – CCBB-RJ