Joanna, a girls’ football coach, has to pay for the football field. Her friend and her try to solve the problem and have to ask themselves how much migrant they still are in order to receive the money from a foundation. Roteiro/Script: Elizabeth Blonzen Fotografia/Cinematography: Frank Schwaiger Produção/Production: Katharina Bellena Produção Executiva/Executive: Katharina Bellena Produtora/Production Company: Collaboratorsfilm Som/Sound: Jan Cziharz, Niklas Kammertöns Trilha Musical/Music: Eike Hosenfeld, Moritz Denis, Tim Stanzel Elenco/Cast: Katharina Bellena, Elizabeth Blonzen, Susanna Kraus, Kirsten Block, Ercan Altun, Thomas Georgi, Peter Gösswein, Martin Klodzinsky